
Text from the Vault

Happy Thursday friends! I hope this post finds you well. This week I have been so busy with other things, that I unfortunately don’t have a totally thought out post for today’s blog. Plus, today is my wife’s birthday!!!! So, I won’t be pulling out any tricks from my hat to wing a subject. Instead, I decided I would muster some bravery and share an incredibly old poem I wrote when my sweet Auntie Alice passed away.

As it would seem, I had to do some serious searching to find my folder of hand written work, and while flipping through the pages… there’s definitely a wave of electricity in these papers. I may post others some day. Even as I type this I still feel a little bit apprehensive about sharing this work from 2006, but I feel the urge to push past that feeling.

This lil poem took me right back to the last memory I shared with my auntie, I remember begging her to let me paint her nails with a new polish from grandma. She had such beautiful hands, and the purple looked wonderful. I wished I would have photographed them <3

Painted Nails and Railroad Tracks

One minute to the hour and I know my time is limited here with you. This great journey had been in destiny’s frame from the very beginning, but it was time to take that step, and move on from the memories you’ve engraved here.

I can feel the anticipation from your palm against mine as your grasp becomes tighter. Moisture trails down from my eyes over my cheek bones. Your smile loans peace and assurance. I know you’re ready to travel beyond this place in your life’s map.

Blue and orange is the sky on your night… tonight. And every sunset will be in reverence of Sunday afternoons watching football games and screaming at the TV set while the Broncos recover the ball.

My tears rain from the sky and I watch you, full of admiration, while you twirl beneath heaven’s mist. The last second closes in and the railroad tracks tremble as the train comes closer. Instantly you stop when you hear the piercing whistle scream from atop the face of the locomotive.

The lost stare in your eyes brings me back to childish infatuations. I know your soul has longed to find your home, a home where peace and comfort will always dwell. Leave behind your luggage, there’s no need for it now.

Plod Forward, take your steps, stair by stair. Please, forget me not… and in return I’ll honor and embrace the example left by your life. I’ll meet you on the other side of the tracks one day… please wait for me.

The days won’t age your impression. When we meet again, we’ll sit just like the old casual afternoons; with family and friends, home-cooked food, and purple painted nails.

I hope this little gathering of words from 2006 wasn’t too unimpressive. I promise to have a thought out entry for next week. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

<3 Miki Len

Ps. Ever wonder how the Universe brought me and my wife together?? Read “2013”