Familia,  Life

My Dream Girl

Hello hello! To whomever is still out there O.o … I know my time away from here continues to grow longer each time, but trust me when I tell you that I have a whole freaking treasure trove of entries that I have started. I’ve covered a plethora of topics, but I rarely return to the mess of a draft and clean it up for proper consumption.  Maybe soon I will get to that, but until then.

I’ve chosen to keep the mood super light for this entry. In fact, I plan to tell you all about a very very, super extra special gal in my world. You’ll likely find yourself giggling at me or even judging me, but I’ll tell ya now, when it comes to my baby… everybody else can kick rocks hahaha. I’m gonna tell you about my Reba <3

My Reba is a Maroon and Silver 2 toned, 1980 GMC Sierra Grande (Camper Special) 35K aka a Classic “Square Body” pick up. I have been dreaming about having one of my very own for literally my entire life. You might think, how can an old square piece of steel on wheels make somebody so happy? I’ll do my best to help you understand, but I’ll warn you, you might find yourself wanting/needing one yourself when I’m through. 

The love for this style of pick up started when I was a small child. I lived out on the family cattle ranch with my parents and great grandparents. On our property we kept 3 Chevy trucks with the infamous square body type- Red, White, and Gray. The Red and White trucks were used around the ranch for chores and feeding each morning, and the Gray one was kept clean and in the garage for trips into town and for Mass on Sundays. For years I watched my family use them for various rigorous tasks and put them through the wringer time and time again, and for years I watched those trucks take it like the reliable beasts they were. 

Each of them had a standard transmission, and were somewhere between the years of 1973-81. I’ll never ever forget my first time learning how to “drive” one of them, I couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5 years old. I was riding with my Uncle Miguel, who I knew affectionately as Uncle Pedro and we were headed down the road to the mailbox that sat almost a mile away from the house. On the ride back he asked me “Mikilita, do you know how to count yet?” I nodded giddily. He proceeded to help me learn how to shift my way through the gears, together we counted as I proudly shifted the truck. I remember not much later I was allowed to ride in the laps of my Great Grandpa and my Pa, and steer these beauties, and when I was tall enough to reach (just barely ha!)  I had moments of doing both. Any opportunity to drive them, to whatever degree, always made me feel so proud! I could honestly go on about the memories, but the point of my post is to write about my dream girl, Reba.

In March of last year (2021) I had been home on an extended and unexpected 6 week stay. During that time, I had driven Reba for the first time, and had the pleasure of doing it out on dirt roads <3 It wasn’t our first encounter, but boy have I always been in love! My Pa knew (and is always reminded) just how much I adored this truck, and since my life was actively falling apart in Texas, he’d hoped to bribe me with this truck to keep me in Raton… and it almost worked. At that time, I believed my priority was my marriage, but in little time that would prove to be fruitless. So eventually I moved home with my Pa and Mama She, and decided to call Pa’s bluff! To my surprise, he let me have my big ol red beauty, my dream girl! Ever since then, my Pa has been taking the time to help me learn everything he knows about fixing my baby. We’ve replaced the heater fan motor, speedometer cable, changed her oil, and even installed a new stereo for my jam sessions! I treasure this time I get to spend alongside my Pa, getting my hands dirty, asking a million questions, watching carefully everything he does in hopes to hang tightly to all that he shows me. I should add that I’m usually at optimal happiness when I’m sitting up under the hood… I feel like I could fit in there with the hood shut, and for whatever reason that just tickles me haha. Knowing that I have the chance to learn all I can to take care of my girl and work on her myself (well as much as possible) is special and super valuable to me. It brings the memories from the old ranch trucks full circle. 

It goes without saying that the most enjoyable moments with Reba are out on the dirt roads and out at the family property. Tearing up the roads and kicking up dust is where I feel like my truck is in her natural environment haha! A few times now I’ve loaded my girl up with blankets, pillows, my Louise (guitar), and my dad’s army bag, and headed out to the property for a full moon event or a meteor shower. I set up her bed to be my bed for the evening, and would gently shiver under the clearest starry skies I’ve ever had the honor of seeing. Many nights spent totally and completely blissed out until morning when subtle pink and purple skies would wake me as they welcomed the rising of the sun in the wee hours, while the elk bugle through the pastures… Those mornings have been my most prized experience to wake up to, and I fully intend on making that more of a habit as the weather gets warmer. And in enough time, this is how I will wake up each day forever <3 

Since I was given my truck, She has been a daily source of utter pride and joy, especially on my worst days. It’s become a ritual after each work shift to take a ride from one end of town where my Grandparent’s house is, to the opposite end where my Aunt and Uncle’s house is. To this day, I still take this drive and now I have a special playlist of tunes that I enjoy belting out during my cruise. There’s something incredibly therapeutic about driving my dream truck, singing out my favorite jams at the top of my lungs…. Very little has made me feel so alive, especially when I was struggling to feel anything valuable. I think the world could be burning to nothing and as long as I was riding into the flames singing my favorite songs in my favorite truck, I wouldn’t be phased. In a sense, a lot of my days have felt that way since I moved back to Raton and started rebuilding my life. Thankfully there was my Reba, always waiting to take off and help me forget the nonsense. I will die with this truck, there’s no greater truth in my soul. 

There’s a silly and rather unexpected perk of having my girl, and that’s me also being a “girl” haha. A very short and petite girl, and one who very openly loves  obsesses over Reba. The silly thing (to me) is the reaction I have conjured from onlookers who see me driving my truck. Reba isn’t lifted, but her build does sit a bit higher and her tires add a little height as well. Since I’m not quite 5 feet tall, even from the driver seat most can tell I’m fairly small, but the best is when I hop in or slip out of Reba haha! I can’t help but appreciate the wide eyes, something about it sorta cracks a smile on my face without even trying. An added bonus are the admirers of my Reba, good people with good taste appreciate her durability and classy sexy body build 🙂 I make friends with these admirers… usually. One more peculiar thing that happens when I ride in my truck, is the other Square Body owners, and owners of other classics give me the ol country wave… you know the one, just a finger or 2 up from the top of the steering wheel, and since I grew up on a ranch I “wave” back. It’s all pretty neat to me, I love every bit of it!

Reba is the first vehicle I’ve had in well over a decade, and the joy she brings me is unmatched…. Matter of fact she’s only the 2nd vehicle I’ve ever owned. I still can’t even believe that she is mine most days. The memories from childhood relived in the clouds of dust trailing on the back roads. The lessons and appreciation for her mechanics and how to care for her,… the smile that takes over my face every time I climb into her cab… it all clears away the fog and gives my soul the clarity it needs <3 She may be a strange source of contentment, but she’s mine. My dream girl is mine

<3 If there’s one thing I hope is said at my funeral, I hope they remember and go on and on about how much I loved my truck(s) 😉

I’m always thankful for anyone who lands here and spends a moment reading me ramble about whatever is on my mind 🙂 So if you’re here, just want to say thanks, and I love you! <3

<3 Miki Len