
Opening Day!

Hi there! and welcome back! I’ve fought a bit today with whether or not I would make a post this week (I’ve been so overwhelmingly busy!) but I figured, one that is short and to the point would be a better option rather than skipping another week.

Over the past few weeks I have been finishing up work on a commission I had taken, and while I waited for epoxy to cure, I cooked up a number of artistic experiments. I made these new projects with the intent to sell them online in my new ArtShop that I’ve been designing on my website. I’ve been working tirelessly for the past few weeks to make sure everything is perfect, and today is the first day it’s live! I genuinely couldn’t be anymore excited!

I’ll go further into details next week, I honestly have very little bandwidth to work with today, brain is feeling a bit mushy haha. I promise to have a more in depth and better thought out post ready next Thursday.

In the mean time! It would sure mean so much to me to have some visitors in my new virtual ArtShop, and I greatly welcome feed back as well. If you don’t already know, building this site was a serious learning process that I am very much still struggling through. Any and all constructive advice is welcomed!

It’s odd to cut this so short, but holding a thought is getting next to impossible hahaha I hope you all have had a great week, and an awesome weekend as well! Thank you for continuing to stick around and read my ramblings. Don’t forget to visit the ArtShop!

<3 Miki Len