• Familia,  Life

    Capeless Heroes

    Hi everyone! Happy Blog day and thank you for coming back! I hope this entry finds you well šŸ™‚ Iā€™m actually drafting this blog a few weeks in advance, (even tho Iā€™m posting this a week late haha) and I canā€™t tell you how excited I am about all this motivation Iā€™ve had to write. So Iā€™m taking full advantage of it! My first post in roughly 5 months gave me good reason to keep pouring out my heart and using this means of expression to keep connecting with those who may possibly be in the same boat that I am. Itā€™s always such a surprise to me that anyone…

  • Familia,  Life

    Lifeā€™s Rearranged

    Hello out there! I hope all is well in the cyberverse, and with whoever manages to find their way here. Iā€™ve been gone for a while, a lot longer than I had anticipated, but the time away was imperative for many reasons. Since my last entry nothing is at all the same, not even me, myself. 2021 has proven to be quite the ride thus far, and since my last entry a great deal of change, trauma, and growth has occurred in my microcosm. In February, I was in Texas to experience one of the worst snow/ice storms this Colorado\NewMexico girl has ever survived. In the first week of March…

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  • Art,  Life

    Two Sides of the Same Coin-Tails

    Hello hello! Thank you for returning, it is blog day again! My apologies for slacking last week , I wasnā€™t satisfied with the entry by the time Thursday rolled around (I also got older just the day before), and I had drafted and rewrote this entry many times. Iā€™m hoping this go around Iā€™ll be able to better condense the thoughts I have in relation to this subjectā€¦ my previous drafts were turning into novels. ā€œExtracting the Essenceā€ or boiling down a lifetime of depression and its lasting impressions was a lot more work than I thought. Once again, Iā€™m starting over. Thereā€™s much to be said, and I want…

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  • Art,  Life

    Two Sides of the Same Coin- Heads

    Hi everyone, happy blog day šŸ™‚ Iā€™m hoping all is well out there <3 Getting back in tune with this flow and writing about the things pressuring my mind has me feeling pretty good overall. The non-stop supply of havoc has been enough to turn oneā€™s brain to complete mush. Seems like it was a great time to pick up blogging haha. Especially considering I have way more thoughts than I even know what to do with, the subject matter is a constant flow. May as well make use of the madness. In last weekā€™s entry I briefly mentioned the subject Iā€™ll be posting about today. Whenever I lay out…

  • Art

    2021- Last Call

    Well hello there šŸ™‚ Welcome back and thank you for returning to read more of my rants! I ended up taking a much longer hiatus than I had intended (which, now that I think about it, I never intended to go missing at all), but I suppose in more ways than one I seemed to have needed it. So weā€™ll just go ahead and call it a mini vacay šŸ˜‰ This topic has been kickin it on the back burner for a few weeks now, but Iā€™ve found myself in the midst of mental and emotional chaos unfortunately often most recently. Iā€™ve been desperately trying to avoid a full melt…

  • Familia,  Life

    Just Keep Swimming…

    This post is going to be pretty long, and end pretty heavy, but I promise the story is well worth its whileā€¦ It was Memorial Day weekend 2014, my wife and I were making a quick trip to the Walgreenā€™s around the block. It was a stormy morning in Houston and the rain was steady pounding as we got into the car and out of the parking lot. We had just turned off our street when we spotted a tiny dog wandering in the road toward the passing cars. Beth immediately stopped the car and I quickly hopped out of the passenger side to get the little dog. In my…

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  • Life

    In the Spirit of Gratitude

    Hi everyone! Long time no talk šŸ˜‰ I unintentionally took 2 weeks off, and I don’t think I realized quite how much I needed them. Thanksgiving was an inevitable day off but last week some website issues decided another week off would be best haha. I’m relieved that I can return and that my site is back in working order. So, even though it’s 2 weeks later, I’m finding myself very much pleasantly stuck in a thankful mind state. Annually we have this one day that we impose that question and reflection on the things that we have been blessed with and more importantly the importance of that acknowledgement. There’s…