• Life

    Seeker of the Silver Lining

    Hi folks, and happy blog day! I hope thus far it has been a good one, either way thank you for returning. I know my last few posts have had a kinda grim undertone, and have been riddled with some rather heavy emotion as well. BUT I promised this week I would lighten the mood up just a bit- Well, as much as I can at least.  2020 has been a very trying year for a majority of the people that I know and talk to, and it’s been no secret. Everyday holds some new massive uncertainty and we’re left doing our best to accept the news and move forward…

  • Life

    Searching for the “Dream World”

    I sit and think of the abundance of realizations and lessons that 2020 alone has left me with. This spirit feels like it’s been crushed, squeezed, pureed, molded and frozen into a new temporary shape. So many buttons have been pushed, and a lot of people are set off in one instance or another. Feelings and emotions are at an outrageous high, and people no longer see people when they look at others whom they don’t agree with. … and that’s what is most unsettling to me.  It seems relatively easy to me, with the upbringing I was given and with the reassurance of the sermons and teachings of church…

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  • Familia,  Life

    The End of an Era

    Hi friends, thank you for being here. This post will likely differ greatly from the usual tone… This week has been pretty rough and I’m pretty thankful it’s almost over. I know it’s easy to assume with the election tensions and all that fun stuff, that this would be why. It’s definitely not far from my mind, but it’s not what’s been taking my focus. A metaphorical tornado has been running me down since Monday and has loaded me with thoughts, memories, and a high level of emotions. I decided to dive in and actualize the feelings I’m experiencing, hoping that this could potentially offer some relief.  Recently, my grandparent’s…

  • Art,  Life

    Ain’t Nothing Quite as Beautiful as Music Pt. 2

    Happy Blog day! Thank you for returning for the second half of my tribute post to music <3 Last week’s entry was rushed, scattered, and I hadn’t bothered to draft out a single idea before 11am that same day. The post wasn’t my favorite at first, but before I was finished writing, I felt a tangent coming on and I knew I needed to split up the story and write a sequel. So, let’s get back to it.  The year is 2004, I’m 15 years old and living in Pueblo, CO. At the time, I was divided between family, church and kicking it with my bestie, Krissy. This same year…

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  • Art,  Life

    “Ain’t Nothing Quite as Beautiful as Music” (pt. 1)

    Happy Blog day friends! I feel like my weeks have been shortening to days lately, and I’ve been EXTRA busy! That unfortunately means that this entry might be somewhat half-baked and likely all over the place, for that I will apologize in advance. My process typically includes a draft which gives me time to condense and edit my excessive thought process, so this is honestly a bit intimidating. Hopefully I can wrangle up these wild thoughts and work out a focused post… fingers crossed hahaha I decided to write about the divine relationship I have found within music (and how I have literally found myself within and through music), the…

  • Art

    Creativity- Mania vs. Block

    Hi friends, Happy Blog Day! My last week has been a whirlwind, mostly chaotic, and I can’t say I’ve been as productive as I would like. This week our subject is inspired by the frequent ups and downs I’ve run into as a creative spirit. Any artists reading this… here is your trigger warning haha Around this time last week, I was flying high! Still riding the launch of my new ArtShop and the success of the first week. To-do lists were all checked off, and every immediate goal I moved toward each day, was suddenly behind me. What now? It made the most sense to continue to make and…

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  • Art

    Tending the Fruits of Labor

    Happy Thursday friends! I’m so glad you’re here! 🙂 Last week’s post was a bit rushed and short, but I plan to take my time with this entry. So… buckle up, I’ve got a long winded spill coming your way.  I’ve had a pretty exciting week so far. Today marks one whole week since I went live with the online ArtShop I had been building. Much to my delight, I’ve had a number of items sell, and even had a specific collection of work, sell out completely! We’ll save that for later. Around the 2nd week of September, I began to work out the concept of my site, still being…

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