• Life

    In the Spirit of Gratitude

    Hi everyone! Long time no talk šŸ˜‰ I unintentionally took 2 weeks off, and I don’t think I realized quite how much I needed them. Thanksgiving was an inevitable day off but last week some website issues decided another week off would be best haha. I’m relieved that I can return and that my site is back in working order. So, even though it’s 2 weeks later, I’m finding myself very much pleasantly stuck in a thankful mind state. Annually we have this one day that we impose that question and reflection on the things that we have been blessed with and more importantly the importance of that acknowledgement. There’s…

  • Life

    Seeker of the Silver Lining

    Hi folks, and happy blog day! I hope thus far it has been a good one, either way thank you for returning. I know my last few posts have had a kinda grim undertone, and have been riddled with some rather heavy emotion as well. BUT I promised this week I would lighten the mood up just a bit- Well, as much as I can at least.  2020 has been a very trying year for a majority of the people that I know and talk to, and itā€™s been no secret. Everyday holds some new massive uncertainty and weā€™re left doing our best to accept the news and move forward…

  • Life

    Searching for the “Dream World”

    I sit and think of the abundance of realizations and lessons that 2020 alone has left me with. This spirit feels like itā€™s been crushed, squeezed, pureed, molded and frozen into a new temporary shape. So many buttons have been pushed, and a lot of people are set off in one instance or another. Feelings and emotions are at an outrageous high, and people no longer see people when they look at others whom they donā€™t agree with. ā€¦ and thatā€™s what is most unsettling to me.  It seems relatively easy to me, with the upbringing I was given and with the reassurance of the sermons and teachings of church…

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  • Art

    Tending the Fruits of Labor

    Happy Thursday friends! Iā€™m so glad youā€™re here! šŸ™‚ Last weekā€™s post was a bit rushed and short, but I plan to take my time with this entry. Soā€¦ buckle up, Iā€™ve got a long winded spill coming your way.  Iā€™ve had a pretty exciting week so far. Today marks one whole week since I went live with the online ArtShop I had been building. Much to my delight, Iā€™ve had a number of items sell, and even had a specific collection of work, sell out completely! Weā€™ll save that for later. Around the 2nd week of September, I began to work out the concept of my site, still being…

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  • Art

    Opening Day!

    Hi there! and welcome back! I’ve fought a bit today with whether or not I would make a post this week (I’ve been so overwhelmingly busy!) but I figured, one that is short and to the point would be a better option rather than skipping another week. Over the past few weeks I have been finishing up work on a commission I had taken, and while I waited for epoxy to cure, I cooked up a number of artistic experiments. I made these new projects with the intent to sell them online in my new ArtShop that I’ve been designing on my website. I’ve been working tirelessly for the past…