• Life

    Busy Mind, Full Heart

    Hello Hello, long time no post. I won’t go on about why I have been away, but I will say that I have had a lot to process and move through in the time off. I’ve been writing a lot lately, there’s been an abundance of thoughts swirling through my mind the past several months, and while I have content to offer, I should mention that the current passages I’ve penned are a bit different from the posts I’ve brought to you previously. A lot has been taking place in my world, and recently something devastating has come into my realm that’s really shook me up (I’ll likely have a…

  • Familia,  Life

    6 Weeks to Live

    Hello hello! I hope all is going well out there with whoever is reading this entry šŸ™‚ Before I get started, I wanted to address the title of this entry. I hope it isnā€™t found to be insensitive, my intentions arenā€™t to upset anyone whoā€™s heard these words themselves. My choice of words is mostly metaphorical, but there was a time they felt quite literal to me. I donā€™t in any way want to scare or trigger anyone, and I hope itā€™s understood why these words fit better than any. With that said, let me further explain. I wrote this entry some time in early April. I had been filtering…

  • Familia,  Life

    My Dream Girl

    Hello hello! To whomever is still out there O.o ā€¦ I know my time away from here continues to grow longer each time, but trust me when I tell you that I have a whole freaking treasure trove of entries that I have started. Iā€™ve covered a plethora of topics, but I rarely return to the mess of a draft and clean it up for proper consumption.  Maybe soon I will get to that, but until then. Iā€™ve chosen to keep the mood super light for this entry. In fact, I plan to tell you all about a very very, super extra special gal in my world. Youā€™ll likely find…

  • Art,  Life

    Two Sides of the Same Coin-Tails

    Hello hello! Thank you for returning, it is blog day again! My apologies for slacking last week , I wasnā€™t satisfied with the entry by the time Thursday rolled around (I also got older just the day before), and I had drafted and rewrote this entry many times. Iā€™m hoping this go around Iā€™ll be able to better condense the thoughts I have in relation to this subjectā€¦ my previous drafts were turning into novels. ā€œExtracting the Essenceā€ or boiling down a lifetime of depression and its lasting impressions was a lot more work than I thought. Once again, Iā€™m starting over. Thereā€™s much to be said, and I want…

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  • Art,  Life

    Two Sides of the Same Coin- Heads

    Hi everyone, happy blog day šŸ™‚ Iā€™m hoping all is well out there <3 Getting back in tune with this flow and writing about the things pressuring my mind has me feeling pretty good overall. The non-stop supply of havoc has been enough to turn oneā€™s brain to complete mush. Seems like it was a great time to pick up blogging haha. Especially considering I have way more thoughts than I even know what to do with, the subject matter is a constant flow. May as well make use of the madness. In last weekā€™s entry I briefly mentioned the subject Iā€™ll be posting about today. Whenever I lay out…

  • Art

    2021- Last Call

    Well hello there šŸ™‚ Welcome back and thank you for returning to read more of my rants! I ended up taking a much longer hiatus than I had intended (which, now that I think about it, I never intended to go missing at all), but I suppose in more ways than one I seemed to have needed it. So weā€™ll just go ahead and call it a mini vacay šŸ˜‰ This topic has been kickin it on the back burner for a few weeks now, but Iā€™ve found myself in the midst of mental and emotional chaos unfortunately often most recently. Iā€™ve been desperately trying to avoid a full melt…

  • Art,  Life

    Ainā€™t Nothing Quite as Beautiful as Music Pt. 2

    Happy Blog day! Thank you for returning for the second half of my tribute post to music <3 Last weekā€™s entry was rushed, scattered, and I hadnā€™t bothered to draft out a single idea before 11am that same day. The post wasnā€™t my favorite at first, but before I was finished writing, I felt a tangent coming on and I knew I needed to split up the story and write a sequel. So, letā€™s get back to it.  The year is 2004, Iā€™m 15 years old and living in Pueblo, CO. At the time, I was divided between family, church and kicking it with my bestie, Krissy. This same year…

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