• Life

    Seeker of the Silver Lining

    Hi folks, and happy blog day! I hope thus far it has been a good one, either way thank you for returning. I know my last few posts have had a kinda grim undertone, and have been riddled with some rather heavy emotion as well. BUT I promised this week I would lighten the mood up just a bit- Well, as much as I can at least.  2020 has been a very trying year for a majority of the people that I know and talk to, and it’s been no secret. Everyday holds some new massive uncertainty and we’re left doing our best to accept the news and move forward…

  • Familia,  Life

    “Nowhere” Feels Like Home

    It’s blog day!! I’m extra excited to write this week, my subject changed a bit last minute, but I think the change was imperative. I’ll save the original topic for next week. So here we go! As a young girl I developed most of my identity out in the pastures of a cattle ranch in northern New Mexico,  my father helped my grandparents work to maintain and make a living for our family. From age 4 until almost 7, I followed in the shadows and footsteps of these 2 men, watching and learning as they worked tirelessly, day in and day out. When I had time alone, I explored the…

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  • Art

    Creative COVID Coaster

    Hello There! And thanks for returning! I figure this week, we’ll just go ahead and fly right into the eye of the storm, and chat about COVID. I understand how this topic can be a touchy one, but don’t worry, I’m no expert so we’re not going into any depths of that sort. My goal is mostly to talk about what the quarantine has meant for me and my progression as a creative. I wasn’t sure if it’d be wise to speak on the subject, but I know it’s the obvious elephant, in every single room, everywhere you go, and it’s wearing a mask… haha. *wink wink* Ultimately I think…

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