• Familia,  Life

    Farm Life- A Self Love Retreat

    Happy Thursday! It’s blog day! I’m so excited to be back behind the keyboard and telling my little life stories and realizations on this wild journey. I hope this entry finds you well, healthy, and evolving. Wherever this may find you, I hope it finds you with love. Life’s been on a never ending course of change for me since the beginning of the year, and thankfully this change has really inspired a lot of growth within. In my previous entry I touched on some of the major transitions I’ve been working to adjust to and heal with. This entry I wanted to dive deeper into the healing journey I’ve…

  • Life

    Seeker of the Silver Lining

    Hi folks, and happy blog day! I hope thus far it has been a good one, either way thank you for returning. I know my last few posts have had a kinda grim undertone, and have been riddled with some rather heavy emotion as well. BUT I promised this week I would lighten the mood up just a bit- Well, as much as I can at least.  2020 has been a very trying year for a majority of the people that I know and talk to, and it’s been no secret. Everyday holds some new massive uncertainty and we’re left doing our best to accept the news and move forward…

  • Art

    Tending the Fruits of Labor

    Happy Thursday friends! I’m so glad you’re here! 🙂 Last week’s post was a bit rushed and short, but I plan to take my time with this entry. So… buckle up, I’ve got a long winded spill coming your way.  I’ve had a pretty exciting week so far. Today marks one whole week since I went live with the online ArtShop I had been building. Much to my delight, I’ve had a number of items sell, and even had a specific collection of work, sell out completely! We’ll save that for later. Around the 2nd week of September, I began to work out the concept of my site, still being…

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  • Art

    Opening Day!

    Hi there! and welcome back! I’ve fought a bit today with whether or not I would make a post this week (I’ve been so overwhelmingly busy!) but I figured, one that is short and to the point would be a better option rather than skipping another week. Over the past few weeks I have been finishing up work on a commission I had taken, and while I waited for epoxy to cure, I cooked up a number of artistic experiments. I made these new projects with the intent to sell them online in my new ArtShop that I’ve been designing on my website. I’ve been working tirelessly for the past…

  • Art

    Franken Art

    Hi friends! Happy Blog Day! It’s crazy how long a week can feel, and it’s definitely felt much longer than 7 days, especially in this case. Much to my surprise I still managed to have viewers on my week off, and I genuinely appreciate the visits and views while I was away. It absolutely made coming back a lot more enticing! Quite honestly, I missed unloading thoughts and I am happy to be back! For some more honesty, my week off was on account of a number of things, but if we get to the heart of it, I had started to run out of good topic ideas. I had…