• Familia,  Life

    Life’s Rearranged

    Hello out there! I hope all is well in the cyberverse, and with whoever manages to find their way here. I’ve been gone for a while, a lot longer than I had anticipated, but the time away was imperative for many reasons. Since my last entry nothing is at all the same, not even me, myself. 2021 has proven to be quite the ride thus far, and since my last entry a great deal of change, trauma, and growth has occurred in my microcosm. In February, I was in Texas to experience one of the worst snow/ice storms this Colorado\NewMexico girl has ever survived. In the first week of March…

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  • Familia,  Life

    “Nowhere” Feels Like Home

    It’s blog day!! I’m extra excited to write this week, my subject changed a bit last minute, but I think the change was imperative. I’ll save the original topic for next week. So here we go! As a young girl I developed most of my identity out in the pastures of a cattle ranch in northern New Mexico,  my father helped my grandparents work to maintain and make a living for our family. From age 4 until almost 7, I followed in the shadows and footsteps of these 2 men, watching and learning as they worked tirelessly, day in and day out. When I had time alone, I explored the…

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  • Art,  Familia,  Life

    In the Beginning…

    In The Beginning…There was grandma. Everything that surrounded her, was touched by her radiant and gentle soul. Everyone who had her in their world knew, when by her side, life and love: was good- And truly she made life, so very good...   The first memories I have of learning to create, start with my maternal grandmother, Elinora. Grandma and I spent a lot of time together when I was growing up, and fairly often we were making something in one way or another. It’s hard to pin point the age that it all begin at, but I know by the time I was at least 5 I had already…

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