• Familia,  Life

    Capeless Heroes

    Hi everyone! Happy Blog day and thank you for coming back! I hope this entry finds you well 🙂 I’m actually drafting this blog a few weeks in advance, (even tho I’m posting this a week late haha) and I can’t tell you how excited I am about all this motivation I’ve had to write. So I’m taking full advantage of it! My first post in roughly 5 months gave me good reason to keep pouring out my heart and using this means of expression to keep connecting with those who may possibly be in the same boat that I am. It’s always such a surprise to me that anyone…

  • Familia,  Life

    Farm Life- A Self Love Retreat

    Happy Thursday! It’s blog day! I’m so excited to be back behind the keyboard and telling my little life stories and realizations on this wild journey. I hope this entry finds you well, healthy, and evolving. Wherever this may find you, I hope it finds you with love. Life’s been on a never ending course of change for me since the beginning of the year, and thankfully this change has really inspired a lot of growth within. In my previous entry I touched on some of the major transitions I’ve been working to adjust to and heal with. This entry I wanted to dive deeper into the healing journey I’ve…

  • Familia,  Life

    Life’s Rearranged

    Hello out there! I hope all is well in the cyberverse, and with whoever manages to find their way here. I’ve been gone for a while, a lot longer than I had anticipated, but the time away was imperative for many reasons. Since my last entry nothing is at all the same, not even me, myself. 2021 has proven to be quite the ride thus far, and since my last entry a great deal of change, trauma, and growth has occurred in my microcosm. In February, I was in Texas to experience one of the worst snow/ice storms this Colorado\NewMexico girl has ever survived. In the first week of March…

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  • Art,  Life

    “Ain’t Nothing Quite as Beautiful as Music” (pt. 1)

    Happy Blog day friends! I feel like my weeks have been shortening to days lately, and I’ve been EXTRA busy! That unfortunately means that this entry might be somewhat half-baked and likely all over the place, for that I will apologize in advance. My process typically includes a draft which gives me time to condense and edit my excessive thought process, so this is honestly a bit intimidating. Hopefully I can wrangle up these wild thoughts and work out a focused post… fingers crossed hahaha I decided to write about the divine relationship I have found within music (and how I have literally found myself within and through music), the…

  • Art

    Creativity- Mania vs. Block

    Hi friends, Happy Blog Day! My last week has been a whirlwind, mostly chaotic, and I can’t say I’ve been as productive as I would like. This week our subject is inspired by the frequent ups and downs I’ve run into as a creative spirit. Any artists reading this… here is your trigger warning haha Around this time last week, I was flying high! Still riding the launch of my new ArtShop and the success of the first week. To-do lists were all checked off, and every immediate goal I moved toward each day, was suddenly behind me. What now? It made the most sense to continue to make and…

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