• Life

    Playing in Puddles

    They say healing is not linear, and my journey has been proof. There are places in my life where her (ex wife) influence is still felt, how those memories and traumas impact the way I move in life… Some thoughts I had today as I examined my prospects and thoughts on dating, and how it is clear to me that I still haven’t reached that place where I was once a brave soul. Ready to indulge in the excitement of a new love… I only play in shallow water… I’m still not ready to dive back into the ocean.I don’t trust my ability to handle the rush of being pulled…

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  • Familia,  Life

    Cowboy Royalty

    Hi there! Thanks for stopping in! I hope this entry finds you well 🙂 I’m a bit excited that I’ve found myself on a little bit of a writing binge! It’s definitely been a good while since I’ve had the urge to write as much as I’ve had in the last month. I feel like a major energy shift has graced me, and the once blocked creative flow has been released to carry these expressions out from my brain into the real world in whatever form they choose to take. In a short 10 days I’ve drafted 3 different entries and hope to edit and schedule them very soon. Hopefully…

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  • Familia,  Life

    6 Weeks to Live

    Hello hello! I hope all is going well out there with whoever is reading this entry 🙂 Before I get started, I wanted to address the title of this entry. I hope it isn’t found to be insensitive, my intentions aren’t to upset anyone who’s heard these words themselves. My choice of words is mostly metaphorical, but there was a time they felt quite literal to me. I don’t in any way want to scare or trigger anyone, and I hope it’s understood why these words fit better than any. With that said, let me further explain. I wrote this entry some time in early April. I had been filtering…

  • Familia,  Life

    My Dream Girl

    Hello hello! To whomever is still out there O.o … I know my time away from here continues to grow longer each time, but trust me when I tell you that I have a whole freaking treasure trove of entries that I have started. I’ve covered a plethora of topics, but I rarely return to the mess of a draft and clean it up for proper consumption.  Maybe soon I will get to that, but until then. I’ve chosen to keep the mood super light for this entry. In fact, I plan to tell you all about a very very, super extra special gal in my world. You’ll likely find…

  • Familia,  Life

    Capeless Heroes

    Hi everyone! Happy Blog day and thank you for coming back! I hope this entry finds you well 🙂 I’m actually drafting this blog a few weeks in advance, (even tho I’m posting this a week late haha) and I can’t tell you how excited I am about all this motivation I’ve had to write. So I’m taking full advantage of it! My first post in roughly 5 months gave me good reason to keep pouring out my heart and using this means of expression to keep connecting with those who may possibly be in the same boat that I am. It’s always such a surprise to me that anyone…

  • Familia,  Life

    Farm Life- A Self Love Retreat

    Happy Thursday! It’s blog day! I’m so excited to be back behind the keyboard and telling my little life stories and realizations on this wild journey. I hope this entry finds you well, healthy, and evolving. Wherever this may find you, I hope it finds you with love. Life’s been on a never ending course of change for me since the beginning of the year, and thankfully this change has really inspired a lot of growth within. In my previous entry I touched on some of the major transitions I’ve been working to adjust to and heal with. This entry I wanted to dive deeper into the healing journey I’ve…

  • Familia,  Life

    Life’s Rearranged

    Hello out there! I hope all is well in the cyberverse, and with whoever manages to find their way here. I’ve been gone for a while, a lot longer than I had anticipated, but the time away was imperative for many reasons. Since my last entry nothing is at all the same, not even me, myself. 2021 has proven to be quite the ride thus far, and since my last entry a great deal of change, trauma, and growth has occurred in my microcosm. In February, I was in Texas to experience one of the worst snow/ice storms this Colorado\NewMexico girl has ever survived. In the first week of March…

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