• Life

    Busy Mind, Full Heart

    Hello Hello, long time no post. I won’t go on about why I have been away, but I will say that I have had a lot to process and move through in the time off. I’ve been writing a lot lately, there’s been an abundance of thoughts swirling through my mind the past several months, and while I have content to offer, I should mention that the current passages I’ve penned are a bit different from the posts I’ve brought to you previously. A lot has been taking place in my world, and recently something devastating has come into my realm that’s really shook me up (I’ll likely have a…

  • Familia,  Life

    Farm Life- A Self Love Retreat

    Happy Thursday! It’s blog day! I’m so excited to be back behind the keyboard and telling my little life stories and realizations on this wild journey. I hope this entry finds you well, healthy, and evolving. Wherever this may find you, I hope it finds you with love. Life’s been on a never ending course of change for me since the beginning of the year, and thankfully this change has really inspired a lot of growth within. In my previous entry I touched on some of the major transitions I’ve been working to adjust to and heal with. This entry I wanted to dive deeper into the healing journey I’ve…

  • Art,  Life

    Two Sides of the Same Coin-Tails

    Hello hello! Thank you for returning, it is blog day again! My apologies for slacking last week , I wasn’t satisfied with the entry by the time Thursday rolled around (I also got older just the day before), and I had drafted and rewrote this entry many times. I’m hoping this go around I’ll be able to better condense the thoughts I have in relation to this subject… my previous drafts were turning into novels. “Extracting the Essence” or boiling down a lifetime of depression and its lasting impressions was a lot more work than I thought. Once again, I’m starting over. There’s much to be said, and I want…

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  • Familia,  Life

    Just Keep Swimming…

    This post is going to be pretty long, and end pretty heavy, but I promise the story is well worth its while… It was Memorial Day weekend 2014, my wife and I were making a quick trip to the Walgreen’s around the block. It was a stormy morning in Houston and the rain was steady pounding as we got into the car and out of the parking lot. We had just turned off our street when we spotted a tiny dog wandering in the road toward the passing cars. Beth immediately stopped the car and I quickly hopped out of the passenger side to get the little dog. In my…

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  • Life

    In the Spirit of Gratitude

    Hi everyone! Long time no talk 😉 I unintentionally took 2 weeks off, and I don’t think I realized quite how much I needed them. Thanksgiving was an inevitable day off but last week some website issues decided another week off would be best haha. I’m relieved that I can return and that my site is back in working order. So, even though it’s 2 weeks later, I’m finding myself very much pleasantly stuck in a thankful mind state. Annually we have this one day that we impose that question and reflection on the things that we have been blessed with and more importantly the importance of that acknowledgement. There’s…

  • Life

    Searching for the “Dream World”

    I sit and think of the abundance of realizations and lessons that 2020 alone has left me with. This spirit feels like it’s been crushed, squeezed, pureed, molded and frozen into a new temporary shape. So many buttons have been pushed, and a lot of people are set off in one instance or another. Feelings and emotions are at an outrageous high, and people no longer see people when they look at others whom they don’t agree with. … and that’s what is most unsettling to me.  It seems relatively easy to me, with the upbringing I was given and with the reassurance of the sermons and teachings of church…

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  • Familia,  Life

    The End of an Era

    Hi friends, thank you for being here. This post will likely differ greatly from the usual tone… This week has been pretty rough and I’m pretty thankful it’s almost over. I know it’s easy to assume with the election tensions and all that fun stuff, that this would be why. It’s definitely not far from my mind, but it’s not what’s been taking my focus. A metaphorical tornado has been running me down since Monday and has loaded me with thoughts, memories, and a high level of emotions. I decided to dive in and actualize the feelings I’m experiencing, hoping that this could potentially offer some relief.  Recently, my grandparent’s…