• Familia,  Life

    Farm Life- A Self Love Retreat

    Happy Thursday! It’s blog day! I’m so excited to be back behind the keyboard and telling my little life stories and realizations on this wild journey. I hope this entry finds you well, healthy, and evolving. Wherever this may find you, I hope it finds you with love. Life’s been on a never ending course of change for me since the beginning of the year, and thankfully this change has really inspired a lot of growth within. In my previous entry I touched on some of the major transitions I’ve been working to adjust to and heal with. This entry I wanted to dive deeper into the healing journey I’ve…

  • Art

    Commitment Issues

    Happy Blog Day!!! Thank you for stopping by! This week, I’ll focus more on what actually brought me to start this blog. In short, I desired to build structure, consistency, and hold myself publicly accountable along the way. Thus far these practices in their early stages, are grooming a much healthier routine and head-space, which are really proving to be key ingredients to centering my world. It seems to be pretty common, that as a creator, I too struggle a lot with mental and emotional imbalances. As it has been the case most of my life, I feel it has made me into who I am today. A 31 year…

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  • Life

    Reconnecting With an Old Friend…

    Hi there! Thank you so much for returning to read my rambles! You must know how much I appreciate your time and interest. I hope over time you’ll notice an improvement in my writing, because I’m hoping to notice a difference as well! Writing isn’t something I spend any time on these days, but it didn’t used to be that way. I decided this week, I would reflect on how I used to use this medium as a daily therapy. Looking back, I could have never imagined that I would go this long without it. After all these years, it’s time to remember the love I once had for orchestrating…

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