• Life

    Seeker of the Silver Lining

    Hi folks, and happy blog day! I hope thus far it has been a good one, either way thank you for returning. I know my last few posts have had a kinda grim undertone, and have been riddled with some rather heavy emotion as well. BUT I promised this week I would lighten the mood up just a bit- Well, as much as I can at least.  2020 has been a very trying year for a majority of the people that I know and talk to, and it’s been no secret. Everyday holds some new massive uncertainty and we’re left doing our best to accept the news and move forward…

  • Life

    Searching for the “Dream World”

    I sit and think of the abundance of realizations and lessons that 2020 alone has left me with. This spirit feels like it’s been crushed, squeezed, pureed, molded and frozen into a new temporary shape. So many buttons have been pushed, and a lot of people are set off in one instance or another. Feelings and emotions are at an outrageous high, and people no longer see people when they look at others whom they don’t agree with. … and that’s what is most unsettling to me.  It seems relatively easy to me, with the upbringing I was given and with the reassurance of the sermons and teachings of church…

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  • Familia,  Life

    “Nowhere” Feels Like Home

    It’s blog day!! I’m extra excited to write this week, my subject changed a bit last minute, but I think the change was imperative. I’ll save the original topic for next week. So here we go! As a young girl I developed most of my identity out in the pastures of a cattle ranch in northern New Mexico,  my father helped my grandparents work to maintain and make a living for our family. From age 4 until almost 7, I followed in the shadows and footsteps of these 2 men, watching and learning as they worked tirelessly, day in and day out. When I had time alone, I explored the…

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  • Art

    Commitment Issues

    Happy Blog Day!!! Thank you for stopping by! This week, I’ll focus more on what actually brought me to start this blog. In short, I desired to build structure, consistency, and hold myself publicly accountable along the way. Thus far these practices in their early stages, are grooming a much healthier routine and head-space, which are really proving to be key ingredients to centering my world. It seems to be pretty common, that as a creator, I too struggle a lot with mental and emotional imbalances. As it has been the case most of my life, I feel it has made me into who I am today. A 31 year…

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  • Life

    Reconnecting With an Old Friend…

    Hi there! Thank you so much for returning to read my rambles! You must know how much I appreciate your time and interest. I hope over time you’ll notice an improvement in my writing, because I’m hoping to notice a difference as well! Writing isn’t something I spend any time on these days, but it didn’t used to be that way. I decided this week, I would reflect on how I used to use this medium as a daily therapy. Looking back, I could have never imagined that I would go this long without it. After all these years, it’s time to remember the love I once had for orchestrating…

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